135 South Adams Street, Petersburg, VA 23803
Tel: (804) 898-3430

Our Clinicians meet every week with counselors to provide clinical guidance, assess dynamics and needs of each case, determine the appropriateness of therapeutic strategies, and assess progress of service delivery and planning.
Our Clinicians review written service plans, incorporating input from clients, involved service providers, and wraparound team members, and clearly identifying problem areas and needs, strategies, and service objectives.
Our Clinicians plan and facilitate monthly peer supervision meetings.
Our Clinicians respond to crisis situations with twenty-four hour a day availability.
Our Clinicians prepare written assessments, assessing clients from multiple perspectives, including family functioning, psychological/emotional, social, academic, medical, behavioral, substance abuse, skills, strengths, barriers to economic self-sufficiency, treatment history, and others, and utilizing various assessment instruments.
Our Clinicians provide direct clinical services to clients, including individual, family, couple, and group therapy, and issues-specific or educational groups (parenting skills, anger management, substance abuse interventions).
Our Clinicians prepare progress reports as required by referral source or service provided.