135 South Adams Street, Petersburg, VA 23803
Tel: (804) 898-3430


Intensive In-Home Services (IIH) - Age 5 - 20
Mental Health Skill Building Services (MHSS) - Age 21 and Older
Mental Health Skill-Building services provide training to enable individuals to achieve and maintain community stability and independence in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment. Provide training in; but not limited to functional skills/behavior related to:
• Health
• Safety
• Basic Living Skills
• Activities of Daily Living
• Financial Budgeting (Necessity Bills)
• Link/and /Use of /Community Resource
Assist with symptom management:
• Adherence to Psychiatric and Medication Treatment Plans
• Social Skills
• Personal
• Support System
• Personal Hygiene
• Food Preparation
• Budgeting/Money Management
Assist with:
Medication management; and monitoring health, nutrition, and physical condition.
There is always a Future with Future Generation Support Services;
Services including various areas of concerns...
Individual Therapy
Family Therapy (Marriage/Couples Therapy)
Group Therapy
Play Therapy (IIH)
The outpatient therapy services are provided to individuals who are/have experience issues such as ADHD, Depression, Substance Abuse, Anxiety, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Grief and Loss, Family/ Relationship, Trauma, Anger Management, Behavioral problems, Foster Care and/or Adoption issues.
Substance abuse
crisis stabilization
Future Generation Support Services, Intensive Outpatient provides Substance Abuse Treatment Services and MHS for adults in our community over the age of 18 with mental, emotional, behavioral and substance use disorders, which result in significant functional impairments in major life activities.
These individuals experience severe and persistent symptoms of mental illness causing further symptoms and impairments which produce distress and disabilities in their normal day to day functioning.
This service population has difficulties in maintaining focus and achieving the daily living skills necessary for them to lead productive lives in their communities on their own. Our program will teach and help implement these skills (i.e., self-care, personal hygiene, employment seeking along with positive social and interpersonal interactions and relationships).
Future Generation Support Services, has developed an array of unique services that address the substance abuser needs across multiple domains and over a continuum of time. The innovative features of these services include:
• Comprehensive evaluations and treatment recommendations, conducted at the request of the individual, employer, probation officer or attorney.
• Evaluations of and services to “at risk” family members.
• Continuity of services spanning a period of time from the service recipient initial crisis to recovery and integration into the community.
• Outcome measures, evaluation design and continuous improvement measures to ensure the highest quality of services.
• Services provided to the Spanish speaking population
In order to be eligible for the 2.1 SA IOP ARTS Services, a client shall meet medical necessity criteria based upon the Multidimensional Assessment completed by a credentialed addiction treatment professional as defined in DMAS ARTS manual, within the scope of their practice.
Eligible service recipients may have a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance abuse disorder. In this instance, integrated treatment for both disorders is allowed within Intensive Outpatient as long as the treatment for the substance abuse condition is intended to positively impact the mental health condition.
Future Generation Support Services Crisis Stabilization Program provides structured therapeutic treatment to serve high-risk individuals in partnership with parents, family members, school personnel, physicians, mental health providers, and community service agencies.
These services are delivered using a comprehensive mental health needs assessment. Services are provided primarily in the community, homes and are supplemented with family counseling either in person.
Future Generation Support Services Crisis Stabilization Services Provides:
• Psychotherapeutic interventions combined with education and mental health treatment. Psychiatric assessment including medication evaluation, treatment planning, symptom and behavior management, and individual and group counseling. Service may be provided in any of the following settings, but shall not be limited to:
(1) the home of a recipient who lives with family or another primary caregiver;
(2) the home of a recipient who lives independently; or
(3) Community based programs licensed by DBHDS to provide residential services but which are not institutions for mental disease (IMDs).
To qualify for this service, individuals must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from a condition due to an acute crisis of a psychiatric nature that puts the individual at risk of psychiatric hospitalization. Individuals must meet at least two of the following criteria at the time of admission to the service:
1. Experiencing difficulty in maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that they are at risk of hospitalization or homelessness or isolation from social supports.
2. Experiencing difficulty in activities of daily living (ADLs) such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized.
3. Exhibiting such inappropriate behavior that immediate interventions by mental health, social services, or the judicial system are necessary.
4. Exhibiting difficulty in cognitive ability (e.g., the individual is unable to recognize personal danger or recognize significantly inappropriate social behavior).
If an individual has co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, integrated treatment for both disorders is allowed within Crisis stabilization services as long as the treatment for the substance abuse condition is intended to positively impact the mental health condition. The impact of the substance abuse condition on the mental health condition must be documented in the assessment, the ISP, and the progress notes.